September 6th, 2024

"Those Who Don't Sleep. NASH": the highly awaited new novel by Dolores Redondo

The Pontas Agency is proud to announce some huge news: the highly awaited new novel by Spanish noir bestselling author Dolores RedondoThose Who Don’t Sleep. NASH (Las que no duermen. NASH) will be out in bookstores on November 13th 2024, in its original Spanish with Destino and translated into Catalan with Columna.

This new novel  is the follow-up to Awaiting the Flood (Esperando al diluvio) and continues the new literary universe that the author started with that previous novel. However, Those Who Don’t Sleep. NASH (Las que no duermen. NASH) is set in a different place (Navarra, Spain) and time (2020) which features a very special connection to the international-bestselling Baztán Trilogy that will surely thrill readers and long-time Redondo fans. Her work keeps getting stronger with each novel and we hope readers around the world love it too.

All translation rights are currently available. Please see the full list of option publishers here.










In this new novel, forensic psychologist Nash Elizondo is documenting the origins of a witch legend in the Legarrea pit cave, in one of the Tranquil Valleys (Los Valles Tranquilos) in Navarra, Spain, but when she descends into the cave, she stumbles upon the missing body of a young girl who had disappeared in the area three years earlier, Andrea Dancur. The whole country was deeply shaken by the case and a woman is currently serving time for the crime.

It's March 2020 and this startling discovery and new clues force the reopening of an investigation that will unfold on two different fronts. On one side, the case will be pursued through scientific methods; on the other, it will delve into the psychology of those involved and explore ancient mysteries.

Nash Elizondo, venturing into mythical and often hostile territory, will be joined by unexpected allies and take the lead of a resilient lineage of women who refuse to break, even when they find themselves as victims. As Nash grapples with the implications of her discoveries and her own impending personal crisis, the stakes couldn't be higher. Will she uncover the truth behind Andrea's disappearance and the secrets buried in the Basque Country's past?








In further news, the author has a very busy schedule these months ahead of the launch of Those Who Don’t Sleep. NASH (Las que no duermen. NASH).

The first week of September, literature and wine culture fused together as Galician wineries Via Romana and Méndez-Rojo joined forces to bring HEROICA, the (until now) fictional wine that Dolores Redondo created in her Planeta Prize-winning novel All This I Will Give to You (Todo esto te daré) , to life. After spending 31 months in a tank, 10 months in a clay amphora, and 24 months in the bottle, the limited edition of 2,000 bottles is now available for sale.








That's not all. French readers and fans can find Dolores Redondo at the literary festival Un aller retour dans le noir in Pau on October 5th and 6th 2024. The author has been appointed “godmother” of this year’s edition, to celebration the incredible launch of the French translation of Awaiting the Flood (Esperando al diluvio). The book was published by Gallimard in mid-August and bookstores are filled with stacks of copies.

For more information about Dolores Redondo and any of the above works, please contact Anna Soler-Pont (