The Sleepwalker
Marta, a mysterious, enigmatic, marvelously unreliable female narrator, alone in her empty flat, hears a cry from one of her neighbors. When she runs to help, she meets an elderly woman who has suffered a brain hemorrhage and is quickly taken by an ambulance. However, there is a disturbing presence in the old lady’s apartment: a blond female figure lying on a couch, hidden behind closed doors. Marta only catches a glimpse of her, but over the subsequent days, when the woman’s son shows up to clean the apartment in order to try and let the flat, no reference is made to this blond woman. Who is she? How is she related to the family? In a Hitchcockian spiral of secrets, interiors and obsessions, curiosity takes over and the two women finally meet. What happens next will surprise even the most experienced reader.
Impregnated with a French atmosphere and peppered with literary, cultural and astronomical references, The Sleepwalker oozes finesse, elegance and intensity.
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