The Man Who Didn't Want To Love

Original Title: L'uomo che non volveva amare

Author: Federico Moccia

Tancredi is one of the richest man in the world. Young, handsome and intelligent. He can’t fall in love due to something that happened in the past. Sofia was a pianist, but a big argument with her ex-boyfriend Andrea changed her life and she’s now dedicated to look after Andrea, in a wheelchair since that night. Fate will make Sofia and Tancredi meet under the rain and will change their lives forever.

“Every time you meet someone your life changes, whether you like it or not; we have met, I have come into your life and you into mine.”

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Original Language

ITALIAN | Casa Editrice Nord/GeMS

Translation Rights

CATALAN | Columna
FRENCH | City Editions
LATVIAN | Kontinents
POLISH | Empik/Virtualo
PORTUGUESE (Portugal) | Presença
SERBIAN | Carobna
SPANISH | Planeta

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