On Both Sides of the Mirror
Reflections on race and gender between Europe and Africa
On Both Sides of the Mirror is a brave and necessary testimony to confront racism and inequality. Like Burnt Eucalyptus Wood, this is also an essential book to understand our world.
Ennatu Domingo presents a narrative where nomadism is a constant theme. Her experience as a volunteer in a United Nations refugee camp in Greece reveals how the way we perceive each other shifts depending on which side of the mirror we find ourselves. These memories contrast with her travels across Europe and to African countries such as Zambia, Kenya, Ethiopia, Zimbabwe, and Senegal. The author weaves a mosaic of reflections on what it means to be Afro-European and to travel alone as a Black woman, exploring the differences between traveling from Europe to Africa and from Africa to Europe. At the same time, she highlights how the relationships between the two continents, particularly in the realms of development and migration, are shaped by an inherent racism.
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Original Language
CATALAN | Navona
Translation Rights
SPANISH | Navona