Norma Lazo

Norma Lazo is a Mexican writer and essayist. She has published a dozen books and has also written scripts for television. Among her publications are novels like The Banality of Cruel Men (La banalidad de los hombres crueles, Lumen, 2022), The Unforgivable (Lo imperdonable, Tusquets, 2014) and Pain is an Equilateral Triangle (El dolor es un triángulo equilátero, Cal y arena, 2005); the short story collection Extreme Measures (Medidas extremas, Cal y arena, 2014); and the nonfiction books The 7 Contemporary Virtues (Las 7 virtudes contemporáneas) and The Light Behind the Door (La luz detrás de la Puerta), which both won the The International Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz Literature Prize in 2016 and 2011, respectively. She is a member of the National System of Art Creators (SNCA) in Mexico.
